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Arch Reactor Blog


The Geek Garage Sale is an opportunity for AR to clean our our techy stuff that's been sitting around too long and give other geeks a chance to do something with it. AR will have it's own table, selling off our cool junk, with all the proceeds going into the AR general fund (for rent and the such). 

Also, you (yes you!) are welcome to join in the fun. 

Date: Sunday June 10th, 9am - 4pm
Location: Arch Reactor,  2400 S. Jefferson Ave, 63104, outside in the parking Lot.

AR Members (supporting or full) can get a table to sell your own geeky things (or things from a geek, however) for a $10 table fee. Non-Members can also have a table for a $15 fee. If you bring your own table, we'll knock $5 off your fee (so that's $5 per table for Members and $10 per table for Non-Members).

Note: It's acceptable to have a little stuff around your table on the ground, but please don't try to buy one table and spread another two tables worth of stuff on the ground. :) 

If you want to sign up for a table, use this form:
and pay us on the day of the sale. 

In addition to the Geek Sale, we'll also have RNA Worldwide Recycling on hand to take any of your old electronics off your hands for free! That includes CRTs! So, don't toss it, bring your old stuff to be recycled! RNA will be here from 9am to 1pm

This is going to be a lot of fun, so bring your friends and your family and your friends family! We'll also do tours of the space over the course of the day, so it's a great time to show your friends where you spend all your time!

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If you didn't get enough excitement at the Open House 3.0 or didn't get a chance to come, swing by our potluck Tuesday for the Bacon and Rum extravaganza! Our doors are open at 7:00pm, and we'll be having fun for a few hours at least.

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This coming Saturday, Marth 10th, is Arch Reactor's third open house. Admission is free and all are welcome! If you've been waiting to check us out, this weekend is a great time--we'll have lots of projects on display and great member turnout.

WhatOpen House 3.0

Arch Reactor Hackerspace
2400 South Jefferson Avenue
St. Louis, MO

WhenSaturday, March 10th from 3:00pm to midnight

We'll have child-friendly presentations 3:00pm to 6:00pm, and the bar will open at 6:00pm.

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Free Arduino Class
Ardunino for Artists!
4 Sunday nights 7 to 9:30ish starting Jan 29th  at Arch Reactor. 2400 South Jefferson, Saint Louis, MO.
No microcontroller, programming or electronics experience needed.  If you have an Arduino (or some clone) bring it, otherwise come and learn which would be best for you.
Free, but please RSVP to .  Questions can also be sent to that address.

29th        Intro, flahing LEDS, serial communication
5th          LCDs, third patry ICs, I2c and SPI protocols
12th        Multiple Voltages, Wireless communication, Controlling AC, DC motors
19th        Free day for catchup or topic of participant's interest

Just a note for AR folks.  This time around we're going to be doing much more coding.  More writing our code rather than relying on just running examples.  Hope to see you there!



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The Gateway Burners and Arch Reactor are teaming up for the second year in a row to present 'Fire and Ice'. This fundraising event will take place on January 21, 2012 at the William A. Kerr Foundation Building at 21 O’Fallon Street, Saint Louis, MO 63102. The event runs from 7:00 pm until Midnight and is for ages 21 and up. Each group will be present to host correlative activities and entertainment as well as provide information about their organizations. The event will be $10 per person. Tickets will be sold at the door.

The purpose of ‘Fire and Ice’ is to raise money for GAS (Gateway Art Support), which provides art grants and funding for the upcoming 2012 Gateway Burn, as well as funding for Arch Reactor’s upcoming projects and innovations. This unusual event is a collaboration of Burner culture and creative technical artistry that promises to be an exciting and welcome reprieve from the frigid Midwest winter. 

The Gateway Burners will sponsor a Chili Cook-off at the event, as well as host a costume contest based on the ‘Fire and Ice’ theme. Arch Reactor will host an Art/Tech auction and present demonstrations from some of their recent designs and innovations. There will also be a silent auction containing art and other submissions from community members from both organizations.  

Gateway Burners is a Saint Louis based organization that was created in 2006 to foster radical self expression through art and participation and encourage civic responsibility and sustainable community through it’s yearly events. Arch Reactor is a Saint Louis based DIY/Maker/Hackerspace created in 2009 that utilizes technology, programming and ingenuity to foster the spirit of community in the creation of their many projects and inventions. The proceeds of the ‘Fire and Ice’ event will mutually benefit and support the progress of both of these organizations.

Image graciously provided by the William A. Kerr Foundation.

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Bob built this 3D printer in the space.  The plastic parts were all printed using the Makerbot.  The sections of hte video with tons of people are the regular Tuesday meetings.  


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We had a great time talking and showing people around at the Garage Sale. We didn't mind the new funds pushing us a bit closer to our 501c3 fee. Hope to see some of you guys back soon.

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This afternoon the topic on Science Friday on NPR was "Exploring the Tech DIY of 'Hackerspaces'", featuring members of Alpha One Labs and NYC Resistor.

Some Arch Reactor members tried to call in, but I have not heard if any actually got on the air.  Listen to a recording of the show here


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[field_thumbnail]Arch Reactor is pleased to host a presentation this saturday. The event is open to the public, and the invite has already gone out to many computer related user groups in St Louis. full invite after the jump Read more...
[field_thumbnail]Hack Something Night is a regular Tuesday meeting feature where people get together and attack a thing or project and make some progress on it. This week there were several projects being worked on, pictures and summaries belowRead more...
