Levels of Membership
We love new members, and we’d love to meet you and have you join us!
There are 3 levels of membership of Arch Reactor:
- Community Member: No dues, can only use public mailing list/forums/discord, visit the public “lounge” area of the space, and attend classes.
- Supporting Member: Dues are $25 per month, can use the public area lounge, some voting rights, and may have access to private areas/materials/tools when full members are available.
- Full Member: Dues are $50 per month, can use all areas of the space 24/7, full voting rights.
How to become a Supporting or Full Member
If you haven’t already, create an account on this website using the Log in link at the top of the page, then either click Create account or use the social provider of your choice. Once you’re account is created you can login. Go to the Dashboard use the Apply or Renew Membership link under Your Memberships. If you set up an online payment with PayPal when you register your account your Membership will be active immediately. We strongly encourage you to pay via PayPal and make to automatically renew.
If you have any concerns please talk to an officer or board member before sending in any payments so that you fully understand what you get for your membership dues.
New Member Orientation
We place a lot of trust in Full Members, so we require an orientation before giving you a key card. Supporting members are also asked to attend orientation. New Member Orientation is typically held at 7pm on the first Tuesday of every month, immediately preceding our Business Meetings. You are required to attend this orientation, sign a Liability Waiver, and accept a Membership Agreement prior to receiving your key. If you are unable to make the scheduled orientation, reach out to the board members and alternate plans can be made. We do encourage all Full Members to commit to at least a full year of membership, as membership dues are integral to our budget planning. We also ask every full member to commit to volunteering an average of 2-hours per month toward promoting and/or maintaining and/or improving the space.
Welcome Packet
Welcome Packet on Google Drive
Questions or Website Difficulties?
If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties with the sign-up process we invite you to visit us in person, particularly on the first Tuesday of the month at a Business Meeting or email treasurer@archreactor.org