
  • Intro to Mending Clothing

    Intro to Mending Clothing

      Here’s the PDF of the PowerPoint Presentation for Intro to Mending Clothing Intro to Mending Clothing.pdf

  • Crocheted Little Hearts

    Crocheted Little Hearts

    Little Hearts An original Crochet Pattern by Diane Sudduth Little Hearts

  • Build Yourself a Pallet Pool

    Build Yourself a Pallet Pool

    How to build a pallet pool to hold 2,804 pounds of water! 


    Liquid Nirtrogen Ice Cream Reciepe we commonly use at events!

  • Laser Engrave a Photo

    this is a rough draft brain dump, feel free to add to it, including adding more software methods.  I’ll clean it up method first, then resize to desired print size.  400 DPI recomended.Adjustments, levels, move the center Output slider up to wash out the color, .33 worked for mineEffects, Unsharp Mask:  30, 20, 6Effects,…

  • Basic Cutting Board

    Basic Project: Cutting Board Tools:Saw Stop (table saw)JointerPlanerMaterials: I picked up $15 of random wood castoffs to use. I also purchased some butcher block oil for a finish, you could probably use any finish (just check for food safety). Project Build: For this project I rummaged through the castoff wood section at Woodcraft.  As you can see in the…

  • Cardweaving


     Cardweaving, or Tablet Weaving, is an ancient craft by which people wove the narrow bands and straps needed in everyday life.   blue flameDetailed information can be found on the Cardweaving Wikipedia Page: Cardweaving can be worked on a variety of looms but a loom is not required, all you really need is thread, cards, and something…

  • RC Sumo Bots

    My idea was to create a customizable robot that adults and kids could drive at events and demonstrations. I created a 3D printed base in which motors, batteries, motor controllers, and receivers could be inserted. Then a LEGO base plate could be glued onto the front of the base. Each part inside has a JST…

  • Raspberry Pi

    Raspberry Pi

    Overview of the Raspberry Pi Intro Classes.To download the lastest raspbian image go to on how to install images to an sd card go to: Etcher from enable SSH from boot add a file called ssh in the boot drive of the SD card, no need to add anything in the file.To…