Internet of Things Microscope
We built a web enabled microscope around the new Raspberry pi 3! This was a very fun and rewarding project. We entered this in the Hackaday prize and won the Citizen Scientist round. This added 1000dollars of prize money that we used to upgrade to a more improved microscope that is currently in the process of…
These robots are built around the Pixy computer vision sensor. This vision sensor is low cost for under 100 dollars. The sensor tracks color hues at a whopping 50 frames per second. If you’re interested, you can find more information about Pixy at their wiki page.There was three robots built in total and were constructed in…
Walking plants
These were custom robots made for a a one time workshop for high school art students though a program found here. http://camstl.org/programs/youth-teen-programs/nan/. During the workshop we divided roughly 20 students up into 4 groups were each group built a walking robot. Here is a Drop box link to the workshops build instruction and the program. The…
Pysanky Eggs
Arch Reactor has shown/demonstrated decorating Pysanky/Ukrainian Eggs at several events including the Kansas City Maker Faire, Mastadon Faire Family Day, and the Saint Louis Science Center Bright Ideas Expo. Watch the Arch Reactor calendar the month prior to Easter every year as we host annual in-house Egg-Days! Blue Star Pysanky Egg – Decorated in 2023…
Intel Edison notes and resources
Notes on working with the Intel EdisonGetting StartedSuport ForumLatest DownloadsManually flash OS imageEnabling opkg packagesPython mraa docsArduino board hardware notes – includes info on PWM pin mapping via jumpers and shows all pin functions‘configure_edison’ is the tool to setup wifiNotes:Durring install “phone flash tool” says to unplug the board, make sure you plug it back in…
Telepresence Robot
Telepresence has been around for a while, with telerobotics only recently coming into commercial applications. Read more about our DIY version after the jump
Laser Cutter Guide
Using the Laser cutters…Arch Reactor’s two laser cutters can engrave images and can cut out shapes. It’s not at all uncommon to perform both tasks, though some material that can be engraved cannot be cut by the laser. Document preparation is key, as is selecting the proper power and speed settings. Please be prepared to…
Documenting my adventures with the ESP8266 wifi module. First things first, solder on the pins. I wanted to be able to use the module on a bredboard, so since the outer 2 pairs are all that is needed I soldered like so:The pins in the back are just to hold the board level while solering. Pro…
1Sheeld stuff
I backed the 1Sheeld (yes that’s spelled correctly) on kickstarter and it arrived today. Was very easy to get working, though bluetooth seemed a little unstable with my galaxy S3, but my old S1 worked great.So the first project was to strap it (haphazardly) to a magician chassis with an h-bridge IC and use the Orientation…