Hack Something Night

Hack Something Night is a regular Tuesday meeting feature where people get together and attack a thing or project and make some progress on it. This week there were several projects being worked on, pictures and summaries below

Hack Something Night is a regular Tuesday meeting feature where people get together and attack a thing or project and make some progress on it. This week there were several projects being worked on, pictures and summaries below. If you have any questions or input on any of these please do join on on the mailing list or forum! Also if you worked on a project that I missed, let me know and I’ll add it here.

A CNC laser cutter being build from scratch. Here the frame is built and the X and Y axis carriers are installed and belts and stepper motors are being added. When finished, it’ll have sides and a hinged lid, with a vaccuum system to remove the fumes that result from laser cutting.

Weeding cut vinyl stickers, tweaking in a new logo design, look for these and other stickers to be available for purchase soon. Proceeds will be used to buy consumable materials and replace worn equipment at the space.

This will be part of the balloon project. On a breadboard there is an Arduino and a small radio that will be used to transmit the balloon possition, both for flight path tracking and recovery after it comes back down.

This bike needs a new pedal, so our resident Makerbot expert is designing one to be printed that will use the original shaft and bearings.


A box of remote control toys also appeared for use in future projects, thanks Andy Fisher!