Letterpress v1.2

Manager: Kim
Team: Bob
Premise: Portable low cost letterpress.

Project Goals and Summary: 

Letterpress v.1.2 project is complete and free for anyone to play with. It has travelled to Maker Faire KC, Prom, and Abby and Nate used it to make their wedding invitations.

Project Progress and Details:

For those who want to use it there are a few quirks to follow. One is when letting out the pressure to not let it out all the way. That is, only let up enough so you can slip out the plate. Letting all the pressure out makes the jack leak and shortens its life. Second is to make sure you completely clean and dry the plates after use. There is an orange bucket that has extra 100% cotton paper, plates, ink and cleaning supplies. If you have any questions about operation just drop me a line and I can give a short lesson.

Letterpress v.2 will be coming when the current one needs to be retired to the great garage in the sky. New version will have casters for portability, narrow drawers to store materials, and a folding table built in to allow printing without the need of any external table.

Storage or Location:  Currently residing on the table in the assembly area next to member storage.