Open House Projects

A number of interesting projects have been announced at meetings as projects that would be great for an open house. Our project list contains a good mix of hardware and software that appeals to diverging interest groups.

A number of interesting projects have been announced at meetings as projects that would be great for an open house. Our project list contains a good mix of hardware and software that appeals to diverging interest groups.

Projects include:

  • (Nathan) — A tool for logging and analyzing dumpster diving in St. Louis. See for more details.
  • Cantenna (Rexmo) — Super long range 802.11.
  • Metasploit (Bob) — Bob has been spending his weekends writing buggy code for you to exploit.
  • USB servo lock (Chris) — Chris will be working on the hardware and software for a lock that replaces your traditional key with a USB device.

If you have an idea for a project to work on/show off, post it to the mailing lists.