Arch Reactor holds annual elections for the board around this time. Like most things in life right now, we are in need of making some adjustments. The board, along with several active members' input, have unanimously decided there is not a practical way to hold elections as they are traditionally conducted this year. As those of you who attended the virtual business meeting tonight already know, we have put in a lot of work to come up with a process that will allow us to hold elections online this year in a practical fashion. We do take our commitment to our bylaws seriously. However, we feel this is the best option and it is better than not holding elections or asking our members to do multiple votes over an extended timeframe and managing that process.
The 2021 election process will move forward as documented below:
Nominations for Board Positions
Nomination's start tonight and run until January 18th.
Submit nominations using the following Google Form:
Current nominees can be viewed from this spreadsheet: