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Posted on Wednesday, Jan 6th, 2021

Arch Reactor holds annual elections for the board around this time.  Like most things in life right now, we are in need of making some adjustments. The board, along with several active members' input, have unanimously decided there is not a practical way to hold elections as they are traditionally conducted this year.  As those of you who attended the virtual business meeting tonight already know, we have put in a lot of work to come up with a process that will allow us to hold elections online this year in a practical fashion.  We do take our commitment to our bylaws seriously.  However,  we feel this is the best option and it is better than not holding elections or asking our members to do multiple votes over an extended timeframe and managing that process.


The 2021 election process will move forward as documented below:

Nominations for Board Positions

  • Nomination's start tonight and run until January 18th.

  • Current nominees can be viewed from this spreadsheet:

Posted on Monday, Dec 14th, 2020
For any supporting members who want to work on holiday projects, the space will be open 7PM - 9PM Monday through Friday this week. Full memebers are welcome as well, of course.

No reservations required, but if too many people show up you may have to wait outside (or come back later).

Posted on Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2020

Sewing Cabinet
Sewing Machine Cabinet - Closed


Big update for anyone hoping to sew at Arch Reactor, our machine is back from it's clearning/calibration!    Back in September, Arch Reactor was able to purchase a vintage Elna Special machine with its original cabinet.   AR had been borrowing a similar machine from one of our members for a few years and now we have our own.   The cabinet has been in our Classroom for a while with a loaner-machine, but our own machine is back from its professional cleaning and calibration.



Opened up:

Sewing Cabinet
Sewing Machine Cabinet - Open


Sewing Supplies in the top two right-side drawers:


Top Drawer - Pins, fabric (ONLY!) scissors, rulers, seam rippers, buttons, hand-sewing needles

Top Right Drawer
Sewing Machine - top Right drawer


Drawer 2 - Right side:

Thread, bobbins, sewing machine needles, other feet, THE MANUAL!!!   READ THE MANUAL!!!  

Second Right Drawer
Sewing Machine - Right Drawer 2



Posted on Wednesday, Sep 23rd, 2020

Register for SBA’s virtual conference on September 22-24 during National #SmallBusinessWeek. The event will feature presentations by business experts, mentoring, and virtual networking all designed to help entrepreneurs retool, pivot, and come back stronger than ever before. →


Posted on Wednesday, Jul 29th, 2020

MEMBERS this is awesome!  It's talks, workshops, and performances of the hackerspace/ makerspace variety and it's completely FREE to JOIN!

HOPE 2020 -- the 13th Hackers On Planet Earth conference has started!  9 very full days of talks, workshops, and performances. All of the talks are live-streamed for free. Please enjoy! :)


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Come check out the space at one of our regular Tuesday meetings or Sunday hack nights, year-round. Tuesday and Sunday events are always open to the public, and generally begin around 7:30 pm.

Space Status

The space is currently:

About Our Hackerspace

Arch Reactor was founded in 2009 by a group of friends who liked technology, programming, making, and pizza. Now St. Louis' largest hackerspace, Arch Reactor's growing membership continues to bring new skills, projects, equipment, and people to one place.

For a deeper understanding of what we're about, you should check out our explanation of hackerspaces, perhaps read about one of our members' projects, or (best of all) come meet us in person at the next open event!