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Posted on Friday, Oct 15th, 2021

Members (New and Old) -

If you care about your safety and the safety of others at the space or have nothing to do at all, or just need to get out of the house... THEN COME ON DOWN TUESDAY Night and pitch in some of your time!  

Every Sunday and Tuesday Evening during our "OPEN BUILD/OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" night we try to focus on projects that will better the space and bring our membership together as a community.

And the Board of Directors had previously stated, as we are slowly getting back into the swing of things, they will start reviewing those volunteer hours ... so  make sure you are entering them into the system so that your status remains in good standing.  Also, this is a great way to socialize, get to know your fellow makers, give back to the space and possibly complete your 2 hour volunteer requirement.   

10/19/21 OPEN BUILD NIGHT (DETAILS):  Check in with our Sargeant at Arms, Craig!  The idea for the evening is that we take down the cameras as they are now (bad views and dark areas) and place them and a few new ones in places with better visiblity, well lit, and more coverage areas! 

We have them, so let's use them and use them wisely... 


Join Craig and fellow makerspace/hackerspace members around 7pm!

Posted on Friday, Oct 1st, 2021


Elections will be coming around again soon, and as this board will change, changes still yet to be made and the next few business meetings are where YOUR VOTES COUNT!  

This coming Business Meeting we will be announcing possible changes to the election process, to which you will be asked to vote on at the following meeting. *Only full time members vote, and don't forget you can vote by Proxy!

A proxy is a person who is deisgnated by another to represent that individual at a meeting or before a public body. ... It also refers to the written authorization allowing one person to act on behalf of another. In corporate law, a proxy is the authority to vote stock.



Please Please Please Mark your calendars, set reminders, do whatever you need to and try and attend! 


open to all to attend our monthly BOARD MEETINGS HELD last WEDNESDAYS of the month at 7pm.

This is also a great time and place for new members to ask questions and really understand how to become involved.  


Posted on Friday, Oct 1st, 2021

Held this Saturday, Oct 2nd, from 1-4!

Come and get training on using the table saw, wood lathe, jointer, and planer in the woodshop. 

It's necessary to have this training in order to use these tools and equipment.  

Please look for the email message on our Sanctum google group and RSVP with Alex and Ed!

or send email to / Alex or / Ed

Posted on Tuesday, Aug 3rd, 2021

New and Current Members, please note that our meetings are still available online and now also in person as well!  

The business meeting is a great way for you to ask questions, meet more people, and help shape the work environment around you!  

This weeks AUG 3rd 2021 meeting for example will discuss some of our outdoor lighting updates, cleaning out the storage room and clearing a path, people can chime in on a possible paint/chemical booth building plan, how we handle election positions going forward and much more!  

Starts at 8pm the first Tuesday of every Month.

Looking forward to seeing you all!  

The Board.

Posted on Tuesday, Apr 27th, 2021

Freshman class at Principia Boarding School in Town and Country, Missouri get a week long taste of what St. Louis area has to offer and explores the city in themes of art, science, innovation, history.


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Come check out the space at one of our regular Tuesday meetings or Sunday hack nights, year-round. Tuesday and Sunday events are always open to the public, and generally begin around 7:30 pm.

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About Our Hackerspace

Arch Reactor was founded in 2009 by a group of friends who liked technology, programming, making, and pizza. Now St. Louis' largest hackerspace, Arch Reactor's growing membership continues to bring new skills, projects, equipment, and people to one place.

For a deeper understanding of what we're about, you should check out our explanation of hackerspaces, perhaps read about one of our members' projects, or (best of all) come meet us in person at the next open event!