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Posted on Thursday, Jan 12th, 2023


It's  that Time of the year when we work through the process of electing the AR Board for 2023.


This year we have 4 Positions up for Re-election :

President -- The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation.
Treasurer-- The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds of the Corporation
Director of Public Relations -- The Director of Public Relations shall be responsible for being the primary point of contact
Director of Education -- The Director of Education shall be responsible for overseeing the educational mission
(Please see the By-Laws for Full descriptions of all positions)

Check your Email on File for a link to the Nominating form, of visit the discord server In the 2023 election channel. 
Nominations are open until 5pm Tuesday, January 24
, wih Debates following at 7pm that same day.

Posted on Friday, Jan 6th, 2023

Posted on Tuesday, Dec 6th, 2022

Hello Friends!

Are you an Arch Reactor Member who has Winter Holiday Gifts to Make?   If so, Arch Reactor will be open for all Full and Supporting Members from 7pm - 10pm nightly from Sunday, December 11 through Friday, December 23.   Please watch the website (or twitter, or Discord) for the Space Status as we may open before 7pm and may close after 10pm (if no one shows up on a given night we reserve the right to close early)

A Full Member will be here to give tours and help with your project IF their skill-set matches what you're trying to Make.    If you need specific help Please reach out on Discord to find that help.


Winter Holidays

Posted on Tuesday, Nov 22nd, 2022

Tonight we pulled out the lasers to decorate a Feast!

Laser-Decorated Cookies
Laser-Decorated Cookies

Posted on Tuesday, Nov 1st, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Hacksgiving!

Arch Reactor will be hosting a Hacksgiving/Thanksgiving Potluck on 11/15 at 7pm for members, families, and Friends. Come down to the space and share some food and conversation!   If you're new, we're happy to give you a tour!

Arch Reactor will provide a main meat dish (current plan:  Turkey from Sugarfire Smokehouse)  Please bring an additional main dish, a side, or a dessert of your choice. Please sign up on this spreadsheet to make sure we don't all bring the same thing AND please let us know how many you're bringing to ensure that we have an accurate count so that we have enough turkey for everyone:


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Visit Us!

Come check out the space at one of our regular Tuesday meetings or Sunday hack nights, year-round. Tuesday and Sunday events are always open to the public, and generally begin around 7:30 pm.

Space Status

The space is currently:

About Our Hackerspace

Arch Reactor was founded in 2009 by a group of friends who liked technology, programming, making, and pizza. Now St. Louis' largest hackerspace, Arch Reactor's growing membership continues to bring new skills, projects, equipment, and people to one place.

For a deeper understanding of what we're about, you should check out our explanation of hackerspaces, perhaps read about one of our members' projects, or (best of all) come meet us in person at the next open event!