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Posted on Friday, Sep 16th, 2011

This afternoon the topic on Science Friday on NPR was "Exploring the Tech DIY of 'Hackerspaces'", featuring members of Alpha One Labs and NYC Resistor.

Some Arch Reactor members tried to call in, but I have not heard if any actually got on the air.  Listen to a recording of the show here


Posted on Tuesday, Aug 30th, 2011
Arch Reactor is pleased to host a presentation this saturday. The event is open to the public, and the invite has already gone out to many computer related user groups in St Louis. full invite after the jump
Posted on Wednesday, Jul 27th, 2011
Hack Something Night is a regular Tuesday meeting feature where people get together and attack a thing or project and make some progress on it. This week there were several projects being worked on, pictures and summaries below
Posted on Friday, Jul 22nd, 2011

This last Tuesday we had a potluck meal to celebrate Taylor's 21st birthday.

Posted on Wednesday, Jul 13th, 2011
About one month ago, I posted the recipe for making my own laundry soap on the Arch Reactor Forums. One of the comments to that post was along the lines of, "I want to try a small batch of this out before I make a huge batch of it." I suggested that this might be a good topic for one of the monthly Show and Tell nights at Arch Reactor. The timing was right as well, since my storage bucket was just about empty from my first batch that I had made over a year ago.


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Come check out the space at one of our regular Tuesday meetings or Sunday hack nights, year-round. Tuesday and Sunday events are always open to the public, and generally begin around 7:30 pm.

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About Our Hackerspace

Arch Reactor was founded in 2009 by a group of friends who liked technology, programming, making, and pizza. Now St. Louis' largest hackerspace, Arch Reactor's growing membership continues to bring new skills, projects, equipment, and people to one place.

For a deeper understanding of what we're about, you should check out our explanation of hackerspaces, perhaps read about one of our members' projects, or (best of all) come meet us in person at the next open event!