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Posted on Saturday, Apr 15th, 2023

Open house May 9th 6p-9p

To celebrate the forthcoming summer we are hosting a BBQ.  Come on out
and hangout with the members.  We will grill burgers and hot dogs until we
run out.  Soda, water, plates and plasticware will be provided.

Bring yourself, a chair to sit on, maybe a side dish or more meat to put on
the grill, and have some  fun hanging out outside.  Kids welcome!!

Additional Activities
Some Members wil Bring and show off Projects 


Posted on Friday, Mar 31st, 2023

Thank you to everyone who came out to create Pysanky at AR this year!

Please watch the 2024 (Probably March) calendar for your next opportunity.

Images of the 2023 AR Pysanky



Posted on Sunday, Mar 12th, 2023


Goose Egg Decorated with Sunflowers

Pysanky are Ukrainian Style Decorated Eggs.   Worked on whole, raw chicken eggs using wax-resist batik methods with vibrant dyes, they are unique and beautiful.

Please join us at Arch Reactor at one (or more) of our Seven Workshops in March to learn this beautiful craft.   Please see the Calendar for dates and times.   Classes begin on Tuesday, March 14 and will conclude on Tuesday, March 28.   Reserve your spot here.      You are welcome to register for multiple sessions.   

As this craft uses hot beeswax melted over candle flames this is not a craft for small, excitable children, though many children have successfully decorated beautiful eggs.   Any young child decorating will need to be closely supervised and assisted by a parent, please.  


Posted on Tuesday, Feb 7th, 2023

Elections for the 2023 Board are complete. The following four people were elected to two year terms:

President - Diane S
Treasurer - Derek S
Director of Public Relations - Frank K
Director of Education - Jeff S

Thank you to everyone who voted!

Posted on Thursday, Feb 2nd, 2023

superbowl of Destruction

2023 Brings us KC Chiefs vs Philadelphia Eagles

Whether you like watching 
the Super Bowl, watch for the commercials or are one of the many that have no interest what-so-ever you should come down to the Arch Reactor for our Super Bowl of Destruction VIII

Come hang out with us on Feb 12th. Starting at 4:00 pm.  AR will pick up some Pizza, and you can bring “snacky” stuff to share.  Enjoy watching the game, chatting, and of course the commercials… You can even check out the space if you haven’t had a chance to get in yet.

While we watch the game and the commercials, we will tear down old Equipment and separate it into different bins for ease of recycling.  

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out on discord, eMail, Or our Facebook account. 


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Come check out the space at one of our regular Tuesday meetings or Sunday hack nights, year-round. Tuesday and Sunday events are always open to the public, and generally begin around 7:30 pm.

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About Our Hackerspace

Arch Reactor was founded in 2009 by a group of friends who liked technology, programming, making, and pizza. Now St. Louis' largest hackerspace, Arch Reactor's growing membership continues to bring new skills, projects, equipment, and people to one place.

For a deeper understanding of what we're about, you should check out our explanation of hackerspaces, perhaps read about one of our members' projects, or (best of all) come meet us in person at the next open event!