The hackerspace swarmed last night with new and beginning solderers. Mitch Altman of TV-B-Gone fame, along with Jimmie Rodgers, full time hacker, and Matt Mets from Make magazine, brought in suitcases full of goodies for attendants to demo and play with.
The hackerspace swarmed last night with new and beginning solderers. Mitch Altman of TV-B-Gone fame, along with Jimmie Rodgers, full time hacker, and Matt Mets from Make magazine, brought in suitcases full of goodies for attendants to demo and play with.
Among others, toys included theremins, Arduino-compatible LED matrices, infrared-aware LEDs, and several models of the TV-B-Gone, an effective tool for making the world a little more peaceful.
We’re still collecting photos to post, so stay tuned for an update.