Good things come in Teensy packages

I few days ago i got an email from Paul Stoffregen of PJRC offering to donate some cosmetically challenged but fully functional Teensy’s for Arch Reactor to create projects with. Yesterday, just hours before our scheduled monthly Show and Tell night…

I few days ago i got an email from Paul Stoffregen of PJRC offering to donate some cosmetically challenged but fully functional Teensy’s for Arch Reactor to create projects with.  Yesterday, just hours before our scheduled monthly Show and Tell night, I recieved 6 Teensy 2.0 boards and a stack of pinout cheat sheets that they include with every sale.

Durring Show and Tell I presented them to the membership.  The plan is to use a Teensy in a project for the space and make a blog post about it.  After a short intro, Adruino feature comparison (more ram, more IO’s, faster host communication), and browsing PJRC’s projects page the ideas started flowing.  There are now plans for 3 Teensy based projects in progress!

Check back later for posts on what cool things a Teensy can do!  Until then, a couple pictures….