Geek Garage Sale June June 10 9am-4pm

The Geek Garage Sale is an opportunity for AR to clean our our techy stuff that’s been sitting around too long and give other geeks a chance to do something with it. AR will have it’s own table, selling off our cool junk, with all the proceeds going into the AR general fund (for rent and the such). 

Also, you (yes you!) are welcome to join in the fun. 

Date: Sunday June 10th, 9am – 4pm
Location: Arch Reactor,  2400 S. Jefferson Ave, 63104, outside in the parking Lot.

AR Members (supporting or full) can get a table to sell your own geeky things (or things from a geek, however) for a $10 table fee. Non-Members can also have a table for a $15 fee. If you bring your own table, we’ll knock $5 off your fee (so that’s $5 per table for Members and $10 per table for Non-Members).

Note: It’s acceptable to have a little stuff around your table on the ground, but please don’t try to buy one table and spread another two tables worth of stuff on the ground. 🙂 

If you want to sign up for a table, use this form:
and pay us on the day of the sale. 

In addition to the Geek Sale, we’ll also have RNA Worldwide Recycling on hand to take any of your old electronics off your hands for free! That includes CRTs! So, don’t toss it, bring your old stuff to be recycled! RNA will be here from 9am to 1pm

This is going to be a lot of fun, so bring your friends and your family and your friends family! We’ll also do tours of the space over the course of the day, so it’s a great time to show your friends where you spend all your time!