Tonight featured a massive turnout of AR members who participated in the elections of the new board.
Tonight featured a massive turnout of AR members who participated in the elections of the new board.
Deech started everything off with a smashing Space of the State speech, which discussed the leaps and bounds Arch Reactor made in 2010, and highlighted those areas where we hope to improve.
Additionally, five awards were given to exceptional members who displayed the hacker spirit, and made the greatest contributions to the space.
After a lengthy and occasionally exuberant series of elections and mini-campaigns, our new board emerged as follows:
President: Deech Mestel
Vice President: Derek Siegler (Second Best at Everything)
Treasurer: Keith Woeltje
Sergeant at Arms: Darrell Flynn
Secretary: Joe Cathell
Webmaster: Daniel Flaum
Director of Education: Chris Weiss
Glorious International Relations Liaison (GIRL): Ryan Hendrickson
Director of Social Affairs: Taylor Dalton-Hendrickson (pARty)
The new board is excited to serve Arch Reactor, and thanks the membership for the continued support.