Tuesday, Dec 7 was this month’s business meeting, and as usual a busy schedule was drawn up all the way to the end of January. Check the calendar to get the scoop on what’s coming up at your local hackerspace.
Tuesday, Dec 7 was this month’s business meeting, and as usual a busy schedule was drawn up all the way to the end of January. Check the calendar to get the scoop on what’s coming up at your local hackerspace.
This author cannot resist at least summarizing the upcoming events. Saturday the 11th is our next LAN party, Tuesday the 14th is our screening of the original TRON, in anticipation of the release of TRON: Legacy on the 17th, for which we’re invading the Ronnies 20 Cine. More on that below. Tuesday the 21st is our Christmas potluck, which will likely be our largest yet. Attendees of the 2010 AR Thanksgiving potluck know that’s quite a statement. Tuesday the 28th is another board game night, which will possibly branch off into to tabletop gaming (you know, the kind with little miniatures and dice which, when stepped upon, send you to the hospital).
As mentioned previously, AR will turn out in force at the Ronnies 20 Cine on South Lindbergh. We know this will probably makes things hard for some people who want to come along, but we’re afraid it’s been decided and settled upon. Show times have not yet been announced, but when they are, watch the public mailing list for details.