Come Visit the Fire and Ice Benefit

The Gateway Burners and Arch Reactor Hackerspace will be hosting the Fire & Ice Benefit to fund artists and makers in St. Louis. Come check it out on January 22nd at the Kerr Foundation Building north of the Arch!

The Gateway Burners and Arch Reactor Hackerspace will be hosting the Fire & Ice Benefit to fund artists and makers in St. Louis. Come check it out on January 22nd at the Kerr Foundation Building north of the Arch!

Please note that this is an 18+ only event. We apologize to frustrated minors, and if it’s any consolation, we’ve been there too.

When: Saturday, January 22nd, 7:00pm to Midnight
Where: Kerr Foundation Building
21 O’Fallon St.
St. Louis, MO 63102
Price: In Advance: $5.00, At the Door: $8.00

If you are interested in participating in the Chili Cook-Off and/or volunteering for the Fire & Ice Benefit or if you have questions regarding the event, please email