Arduino Class

The next Arduino class has been scheduled!  It will be Sundays from 7/13 to 8/3 at 7PM
No microcontroller, programming or electronics experience needed. 
If you have an Arduino (or some clone) bring it, otherwise come and learn which would be best for you. Free, but please RSVP to . Questions can also be sent to that address. There is no cost for the class.
  • July 13th Intro, flashing LEDs, serial communication
  • July 20th LCDs, third party ICs, I2c and SPI protocols
  • July 27st Multiple voltages, wireless communication, controlling AC, DC motors
  • Aug. 3rd Free day for catch up or topic of participant’s interest

If you attended the workshop at the Bright Idea Expo, you can find the powerpoint and code on our github repository