Arch Reactor Recieves a Grant From Boeing’s Employee Community Fund

Arch Reactor is happy to announce that we have received a grant from the Boeing Employee Community Fund.

“One of the largest employee-owned and managed funds of its kind in the world, the Employees Community Fund (ECF) of The Boeing Company has been empowering employees to make greater impact by pooling their tax-deductible donations for more than 60 years. Employee advisory boards provide combined employee donations to nonprofits in their community through ECF grants. Boeing pays all administrative costs so 100 percent of every employee dollar helps strengthen local communities.”

This grant will be used to purchase a presentation microphone system, standardized laptops, and multifunction robots to improve the quality of our programming classes. Again we thank the employees at Boeing for their generous support of our mission to increase STEM education. Check back soon to learn about classes in programming and robotics to be offered with these amazing tools.