Arch Reactor to Host Instructables Dremel Build Night!

Instructables and Dremel have selected Arch Reactor as one of its locations to host a build night to learn how to use Dremel tools and create awesome things!

We will be Dremel-ing and writing up our projects for others to learn via doing through the power of sharing knowledge. After a 15 minute safety demonstration, we will have five Dremel rotary tools with accessory kits and three Dremel reciprocating tools to make a mountain of awesome projects! We have a lot of things at Arch Reactor that could serve as the foundation for projects, but we want your ideas, your participation, and your projects to shine here. Bring any materials you may have and transform them into science, art, or something unique.

All are welcome. Check the Arch Reactor Calendar in July for the event datea and start time. There will be a mandatory 15 minute safety demonstration at the start of the build night.
Update: Tuesday, July 15th is the date. Show up as early as 7 pm to get started. If you can’t make it until later, show up when you can. We have plenty of Dremel Tools to share.

Come out and build things with Dremel tools and learn how to make your projects a reality fast!  See you there!

Update 6/22/2014: Below is a photo of the package of tools and accessories that have arrived for the Build Night.