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Arch Reactor Blog

Show and Tell

What have you Made?   What are you currently working on?    Please Show Us!    Whether finished or not, 'perfect' or not, we want to see.

Bring your projects at 7pm on Tuesday, March 22, and help celebrate the Incredible Creativity that is Arch Reactor!

Bonus:  We expect to have a member from the Astronomical Society of Eastern Missouri (ASEM) on site to guage interest in a series of "Build Your Own Telescope" classes



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Pysanky Workshops are well underway and the new students are crafting Spectacularly Beautiful Eggs!    Check out the Photo Gallery here:

There's still time to get in on the fun!   Pysanky Workshops are on our Calendar.   Please reserve your slot on the Registration Spreadsheet, here:

We hope to see you soon!

Joe's Circuit Board Egg
Joe's Circuit Board Egg
Judy's Butterfly Egg
Judy's Butterfly Egg


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A beginner's egg decorated with many flowers in a vase or pot

Pysanky are Ukrainian Style Decorated Eggs.   Worked on whole, raw chicken eggs using wax-resist batik methods with vibrant dyes, they are unique and beautiful.

Please join us at Arch Reactor at one (or more) of our Eight Workshops in March to learn this beautiful craft.

Please see the AR Calendar for dates/times and reserve your space here:

Please contact Diane at  if you have problems reserving your space or have additional questions.

More information about Pysanky at AR including a PDF with instructions and galleries of eggs can be found at


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Every year in January Arch Reactor holds elections for positions on the Board of Officers and Directors.

To reach the entire Board  send mail to

The newly elected Board is:


PresidentDiane S.
Vice PresidentAnn J.
TreasurerDerek S.
SecretaryMorgan M.
Sergeant at ArmsCraig W.


Public RelationsFrank K
WebmasterRobert W.


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As a reminder Arch Reactor is entirely kept running by volunteers, which if you remember at the time you joined is mandatory for everyone to serve at least 2 hours per month.

But if you want to be a total bada&&, considered to be a super macho beefcake/beefcakess with brains and brawn,

serving on the board is one way to help keep our community and space going strong (...and that pretty much will cover your volunteer time and then some).

If you are willing to serve please feel free to nominate yourself on this form, or if you know someone that would be a good fit, please nominate them.

We currently need nominations for the President, Secretary, and Director of Education.

The current members filling these roles are precluded from running due to our new term limit rules.

the above form will allow you to submit nominations, as well as seeing who is currently nominated. Google Docs Virtual Whiteboard of Democracy 2021

Please use this form to submit nominations for the Board of Directors. Nominations will be accepted through January 18th.

Below is a description of the duties of each position as it is listed in our Bylaws and Standing Rules.

At the bottom of the page, you can submit the name of your nominee and what position you are nominating them for.

ALSO, THERE IS A DEBATE TONIGHT!!! (and welding curtain mounting got pushed back a day) 

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The Nation of Makers released their Impact Report 2017-2021 and it has some interesting numbers!

Just wanted to share this information with those that might find it interesting the impact Makerspaces have
on their communities and resources and kits provided by NOM for moving forward.

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Hey Members, Arch Reactor is open tonight for working hours. 

Also, If interested in participating in the WHITE ELEPHANT GIFT GAME please bring one wrapped gift item under 

$20 and add it to the pile.  Game will start at 8pm.


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Every year around this time we like to offer a few more "open" hours to accomodate our part time members, those who don't have full access, so that they have plenty of opportunity to get in and make some Christmas Gifts, etc. 

So starting this week, every night should be opened. 


The Board. 

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See you at 7pm!  

dONt be that TUrKEy and miss this Think-filled night or whatever....

Come one come all, just bring a dish and let us know in advance what that dish is gonna be....

COPY THIS LINK to dish about your DISH:

 MEAT supplied by "Arch Reactor" 

If you have any family that wants to come, bring em.

and BRING your latest project in or share it digitally on our FB, Insta, or Linkedin (or Twitter...if people still do that)  


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Hey NEW MEMBERS!!!  The first Tuesday of every month Arch Reactor Hosts the monthly members business meeting at 8pm (online via and in person)

With a few new members recently We will be hosting a NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION before the member meeting this Tuesday, NOVEMBER 2nd at 7:30pm.  This is done in person - so you can get the lay of the land and full members can get your key cards then too.

See you there!  

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