The Street Department has been working in front of Arch Reactor and they are currently, as of Tuesday, October 3, digging up the street in front of our driveway access. You WILL have driveway access for the October 4 monthly meeting (after 4pm-ish). You MAY have access to the driveway on Wednesday, but once they pour the concrete it will take Three Days to Cure. We were advised that we Cannot drive across the new concrete on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. We are told that if they hold the schedule, after noon on Sunday we are allowed to shift the barriers and drive across the new concrete into the parking lot.
For vehicles capable of “jumping the curb” and driving across relatively flat grass it will be possible to bypass the new concrete. Please be Careful! For anyone on a motorcycle, bicycle, or on foot, you should have easy access around the new concrete by either going across the grass or past AR and up the sidewalk.
We will be attending First Friday at the Science Center. For anyone interested in the 2600 Meeting, it may move to online-only because of this access issue.
Please watch Discord and/or This Space for more updates!