Arch Reactor Hackerspace At Critical Mass & Moving


Be a part of Arch Reactor’s Move.


Help our Hackerspace Double in Size & Increase Our Community Impact


Come & help us to grow through our crowdfunding campaign! 

Learn more about the exciting things the educational non-profit, Arch Reactor is doing in St. Louis, Missouri.

Arch Reactor is Moving

Welcome to Arch Reactor, the St. Louis community educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit hackerspace (sometimes also referred to as a makerspace). We are the oldest and largest organization of it’s type in the St. Louis area. We specialize in collaborative learning, a DIY attitude, and inspiring interest in S.T.E.M. related fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics). Our focus is on education and teaching classes in electronics, programming, manufacturing, robotics, woodworking, and arts that are open to the general public.

We are currently in the process of relocating to a much larger building about one-and-a-half miles away, at 2215 Scott Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. Where we will be breathing a new breath of educational maker life into an old building and local community. This gem of a building at our soon to become new location has a rich history of being home to the Dixie Cream Donut Flour Company for several decades. The building has basically been used as storage for almost 20 years.  However, the expanse of the first floor interior is in need of a complete overhaul in order to be transformed into the new and updated Arch Reactor. Our members and supporters have been planning, procuring, cleaning, and doing everything we possibly can in order to complete this move project. In order to make such a large undertaking possible, we need your support too!

Also, please help by sharing this post on your social media!

#education #hackerspace #makermovement #community #building #moving #makerspace