Science Olympiad Saturday
Saturday April 13th, 2013
5:00PM until 9:00PMish
Open to all ages and to the public. People are encouraged to form teams of 2 or 3 people. Individual players will be matched up prior to the event. We are asking for a $5 donation per team to cover supplies which will be provided. Three events are planned:
1) Egg Drop – Teams will construct apparatuses to be dropped from the top of the building and safely land on a ground target.
2 Boomilever – Teams will design a boomilever (google it). Score will be a combination of weight, weight held and duration of holding the weight.
3) Rube Goldberg machine. Teams will construct a three phase machine with stuff off the junk bins or from within the space. Coolest operational design wins. The rest of the night can be spent combining all the entries into a promotional video for AR.
This event is guaranteed to be fun, prizes are likely to be a slap on the back and status label of “Cool People of the Day”. Scoring system is still being finalized but is weighted equally over three events. If there’s a tie (which I’m hoping for) , the tie-breaker is awesome.