Arduino Class

Beginner Arduino Workshop Continues Sunday Dec 23
Learn the basics of Arduino an amazing open source electronics prototyping platform
Class Dates:
December 23 – Class 2 Digital and Analog pins, Pull up resistors, Variable Resistors, Blinking LEDs

January 6      – Class 3 Controlling Motors, Stepper Motors and Servos, Ping Sensors, and IR Sensors

January 13    – Class 4 Communication with Arduino – Serial, Bluetooth, Xbee, LCD Displays
Each class will have a Technical Learning session for about 1 hr followed by a hands on work session for 1 to 2 hrs.
Please bring the following for the hands on session.
1. Arduino (UNO, Leonardo or other flavor) 
2. LEDs assorted
3. Shields (optional but they make life easy.  We will discuss more in the first class)
4. Sensors, Xbee, Bluetooth, LCD display (Optional there will be some to play with during class)
All Arduino supplies can be purchased online at or
Locally at Microcenter or Radioshack.