Learn to Solder Class – Take home your own gizmo and a badge!

Signup on the facebook event page: http://m.facebook.com/events/280767972034885/ or directly on our forum topic: Google Groups: Learn To Solder

The class will go over the basics of soldering and make sure you come out of the class with working knowledge of soldering, a cool gizmo and a neat badge to show off.

Kits we are looking to order are the tv begone, mini pov, and the drawdio.





Class is scheduled the 21st of October from 2-5pm.

The kit and class fee will be $25 and to attend, you must RSVP by the 16th so that kits can be ordered.  Please say which kit you want on the facebook RSVP.  We appreciate early pre-pay, so please stop by our ARCHON table, or come by any event listed on the calendar to reserve your spot.  All funds will go to improving Arch Reactor facilities and awareness.  We appreciate your support!