Arch Reactor’s New Website Launches

Daniel’s internship at a small web solutions firm translates into a new, better website for Arch Reactor! Find out about the new features he plans to add.

Daniel got a job with an awesome web solutions firm, and now he’s immeasurably better at Drupal than before. So now, you’re looking at fresh new website running on Drupal 7. It’s got data fields!

Although this isn’t really much (basically a single blog and some generic pages), big new features are planned. Arch Reactor members will soon be able to create Project pages for their next attempt to take over the world (or at least the workshop). Each project will get its own blog, and even a photo gallery if someone says they want one.

Classes, such as those taught by American Sign Language users Twink and Dragonhide, will also get their own page with a list of upcoming classes, videos of previous classes, and downloads of class materials.

Meeting notes, dutifully taken down by Joe, will get their own section of the website, with paging navigation pages to make it easy to find the meeting you want.

After all this, Daniel will return to work on ArchComm, a replacement solution for our current mailing list and forums, which will offer better integration between the two interfaces.