The general meeting on the 7th of September yielded a fresh harvest of planned events, all open to the public as usual.
The general meeting on the 7th of September yielded a fresh harvest of planned events, all open to the public as usual.
First off, our regular Tuesday meetings will feature the following:
- 2nd Tuesday, the 14th — Our first LAN Party, featuring the following line-up of games:
- Sauerbraten
- Quakes 1 through 4
- Unreal Tournament
- 3rd Tuesday, the 21st — Show and Tell
- 4th Tuesday, the 28th — Game and Movie Night
Bring your laptops, your projects, your games, your movies, your friends!
Every Sunday this month will be devoted to general hardware hacking.
Monday night Art Reactors will be focusing on Piñatas this month, lead by Taylor.
Daniel Flaum will be giving an introductory class on HTML and CSS on Friday the 17th, the third Friday of this month. For this class you’ll need only a laptop.