Arch Reactor Hackerspace Invites you to our Grand Opening!
We’ve been hard at work whipping our new space into shape and now we want everyone to come see it!
Arch Reactor Hackerspace Invites you to our Grand Opening!
We’ve been hard at work whipping our new space into shape and now we want everyone to come see it!
Are you a self-described ‘techie’ that is looking for your niche? Arch Reactor, St. Louis’ first Hackerspace is a co-op workshop and club for techies, tinkers and free thinkers. Part arts and technology clubhouse, part training ground for new skills and knowledge, Arch Reactor is a place for St. Louis residents to share and receive educational information and training on various topics and skills with access to the tools you otherwise couldn’t afford on your own. We offer a work space for all kinds of artistic and technological pursuits.
Saturday, January 30th from 4:00pm to 10:00pm the group is hosting a public open house in their new space for anyone interested in learning more about the group. There will be several presentations on different topics by group members and the group will be showcasing several projects and activities, such as a MakerBot, a life-sized version of the game Jenga, a Japanese Arcade Game tournament and other fun, interactive exhibits.
This event is free to all. Drinks and refreshments will be offered for a donation.
Tell your friends! Tell your neighbors! Tell anyone that’s interested in building, learning and above all, doing!