
Welcome to Arch Reactor, the St. Louis community nonprofit Maker Space!  We are an organization that specializes in collaborative learning, a DIY attitude, and inspiring interest in STEM related fields. We focus heavily on education and teach classes in electronics, programming, manufacturing, and arts that are open to the general public.  We partner with various community groups, including the St. Louis Science Center, the St. Louis Public Library, local schools, and similar non-profit organizations.

We are reaching out in hopes that you and your company would be able to help us with a large construction project. We have outgrown our current space and are in the process of rehabbing the Dixie Cream Donut Flour Building in downtown St. Louis. This will allow a greater access to a proper wood and metal shop, and a larger square footage for our classroom and maker room facilities.  Moving from 2500 sq. ft. to 5000 sq. ft. facilities will allow us to better serve our growing membership and the whole of the St. Louis metro area.  Our move will also allow us to restore an abandoned building and bring it back to life for the city.

We are asking for monetary or material donations for the space build out. We have a detailed itemized list of material needs that we can share with you.  Since we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, any donations are tax exempt. We would also like to commemorate your generosity in a dedicated manor in the new space.

Additionally, we are always looking for new members to join us too!  Please check out the rest of our website if you are interested in what we do.

Thank you for your time!


The Membership of Arch Reactor

Please contact for any questions regarding donation receipts.

The Unique Things We Do:

  • Largest 3D printer meetup in the metro.  Learn to make your own ANYTHING.
  • Classes on robotics, home automation, security, and basic programing, based around the Arduino and Raspberri Pi open source platforms. 
  • A SPACE PROGRAM!  Launch weather balloons into high altitudes to capture amazing photos.  The Spirit of St. Louis is alive and well.
  • DIY Programs:  Learn to fix stuff or make your own furniture in our shop!
  • Seen on Pintrest?  Make at Arch Reactor!  The lasercutter, CNC machines, power tools, and the collective expertise of our membership help you get it done.
  • Your own group get-to-together idea?  Need room for it? We’ve got it.
Concept Photos:    

The Plan:

Old Space (2500 sqft)   New Space (5000 sqft)

What you can help provide with your donation:

  • Room for our growing 50+ membership!
  • New seperate space for metal and wood working shops.
  • New dedicated classroom space, now noise protected from other spaces.
  • The Heart (or Reactor Core) of the “Maker Space” moved up front and welcoming to new members.


See progess photos here: